Schwarzman Scholars Application Launch

Los requisitos son:

Alumnos de licenciatura que egresen antes de Julio 2016 que inicia el programa o bien alumnos recién egresados que no tengan 29 años al 30 de junio del 2016


GPA : entre los mejores de la generación

Para mayor información por favor verificar la liga y el 23 de abril habrá un webinar informativo, abajo encontraran la información. |

Dear Friends,


Schwarzman Scholars is pleased to announce the application is now open for exceptional students, recent alumni, and young professionals to apply for its inaugural class.


Inspired by the Rhodes Scholarship,  Schwarzman Scholars is a highly selective international scholarship program designed to prepare future leaders for success in a world where China plays a key global role.


The program will give the world’s best and brightest students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through a fully-funded one-year Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University – one of China’s most prestigious universities. For those ready to make their mark on the world, Schwarzman Scholars is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to:



The application is now available, and the deadline is October 1, 2015.Additional information on the application process, including key dates, requirements and eligibility criteria can be found on our website.


Schwarzman Scholars is seeking high-caliber individuals who will represent the world’s next generation of leaders in business, politics, and civil society. We invite you to circulate this announcement to students, young professionals, and recent alumni from your institution.


We will host a prospective student webinar on April 23rd from 5:00-6:30PM (EDT). Please pass along the following information to any students or alumni who are interested in learning more about the application process.  


Open to interested applicants: To register, please click here. If you do not have a Google account, you may view the webinar via YouTube


We will also host a campus contact and faculty webinar on May 6th at 1:00 PM (EDT) to discuss the application and the details of the admissions process. We hope that you will join us. Early registration is encouraged.


Open to campus administrators:


For additional information and updates we encourage you to: